Alvie's World

DVD time
11:20 p.m. on 2003-03-06

Good Lord I am back at it again. I have just thought of like three reasons why I can't go to work tomorrow. You would think my gay ass never goes to work, and you would be right. Tomorrow will be my last day off for sure, because I swear I really really have to do some homework. That damn sister of mine spent the night last night. Now she knew today was going to be my restart my diet or should I say re-re-restart my diet today.what does she do?Brings donuts.Of course I had to have a couple with my moring coffee. Then after I gotmy kitchen cleaned up she talked me into the spaghetti factory.needless to say, after all of that work, and the stress of deciding if I was going to give in, I had to nap. I woke up just in time to go out and check my mail, before heading off to the restaurant for work.

I almost tripped over this package on my front mat. It couldn't be I was thinking, I had given up hope. Yes boys and girls my porn finally came. Now its my turn. Well, so to speak. This is the first time I will be watching porn on a DVD. I have always chosen the vhs, but I figured what the hell, lets try this. I will let you know if the movie I chose was as good as the box cover.

Oh something funny did happen to me today. I was here in my room and my sister comes walking in. I am looking at me email and she says, good god can't you even put it away when your done with it? I am like what in the fuck are you talking about. Of course I looked to make sure I was zipped up. Just joking, but anyway, she is like how sick are you? I look and sure enough there is that fucking "toy" I have. I said I didn't play with that. Remember everyone when Marry was here and she asked to see it, so I showed her it? Well, instead of taking it back and putting it up in the closet I keep it in, I threw it in the laundry basket, and thought when everyone leaves then I will put it up. Well yesterday, I did laundry. Thank god I found it before going into the laundry room with it. I just put it on the foot of my bed while I went to the laundry room with the thought that I would put it up when I got back in. I forgot it and I guess it got under the quilt on my bed. During the night, I guess it got uncovered and there it sat or rather layed looking lifeless. She found it. I know she doesn't believe me, but its the truth. I think my toy has gotten more attention in the last week than I have. The fucker.

Well, I worked with Juan's cute ass tonight, as well as my good friend Mr. 10 incher. There was lots of sex talk tonight at work, and I found some good sex secrets on a few coworkers. I will share them with you later. If one swallows, are they a slut? I have been thinking about this lately as well. What should a gay guy do? I know that its not very sexy, spitting it out in a nearby sock, but swallowing for me sometimes can be a bitch too. I know your thinking Alvie, its been so long since you have had sex you don't even know who is supposed to get tied up. True, but a guy has to be prepared. You can never tell. Want to hear someting sad, well the other night I was masturbating, I am fell asleep twice. I would wake up real fast, still with my member in hand, and think god, how boring am I, if I can't even finish this. I was like really not into it again, but I am a hardworking guy, so I finished what I started. Damn I hope this DVD is hot.

I must so sound like a idiot. My sister says that when she reads my diary, she finds lots of words spelled wrong. I told her bitch,(of course in a loving way) you try to write when your buzzed.I am sober. I read on someones favorite list about me it says : alcholic teacher. I was like my god I so am not an alcholic, I just like a good buzz now and then. More now than then though. Someone else wrote a guy who has sexual trouble. Hehehe I guess that one is more on target. Most everyone though is so kind to me. I so thank you. Do you honestly know how happy that makes me when you take a minute out of your life to share it with me? I love it more than you can know.

As the self appointed neighborhood watch patrol captin, I think its only fair to report a crime that took place today. Neither of those guys across the way from my house opened their blinds. I checked serveral times and nope never even cracked them. How am I to tell what's going on? For all I could know there could be wild sex on kitchen tables, boys on top of boys, and so on going on over there. Hmmm I can tell its getting close to watching the DVD time.

I am so bad. I was talking to my sister and I asked her, have I ever made it a day in my diary where I didn't mention anything about sex, and she says nope. I got to thinking, well, since I was 11 and got my first pubic hair,(yes I remember the day well) I have never had a day that I havn't thought about sex. So its only natural that I talk about what I think about right? I mean of course I think of other things too, just um I can't remember them right now. Damn I am a slut.

Ok I have to wrap this up tonight, because I have something I need to do. Wink Wink. Here are a few things that I think, Toe nail clippings are gross. Beer is good. Saying something to fit into the crowd even if you don't believe it is just dumb and selling yourself short. Maturbation is an art and should be considered as such. If your too stupid to stop and ask for directions you deserve to be lost. Kissing is good. A good friend who will be by your side to share the laughter as well as the tears, makes life worth living. Your email is on its way.....

Oh and on a final note, Its hard to be a diamond in a Rhinestone true is ya Alvie

the latest:
Higher than the birds - 2003-10-21
friend trouble - 2003-10-14
Its just another cut day - 2003-10-10
hello, are you home - 2003-10-07
cumming soon - 2003-08-07

before & after
