Alvie's World

Salad anyone?
10:22 p.m. on 2003-03-15

Well, here I am again, Saturday night listening to the Dixie Chicks and drinking a goodnight Margarita. I am not sure just what I will say tonight. Seems I have a couple of things that are brewing in my mind.

Ok, first let me just start with the cum issue. Lord, I got so many emails telling me it had a smell, that I am going to believe you, but in all honesty mine doesn't. I have sampled it four times since the last writing and I smell nothing. Oh, and while I am speaking of past writings, I heard from many of you on how good anal sex can be. I guess I am just chicken.

I think my intrest in porn may have been sparked again. My god Juan let me barrow a DVD called A Young Mans World. Boner time. Major Boner time. I don't think I made it through the first two minutes before I had to tell myself ok pace yourself Alvie, don't blow it too soon. I kept reminding myself over and over but by minute 4 I was over the top. Couln't be helped I got way way too excited.If anyone of you ever see this video, you will know what I am speaking about. Thank god I love porn again. I was afraid I was going to have to get checked out for that one. When I came home from work today, I showered and put the DVD back on and made it to minute number 7. At this rate, the movie is going to last me a month. After I cum, I have little intrest in the thing. Oh, and get this, a friend has told me, that his boyfriend goes two at a time. What is this you ask? Like when they are having sex, he cums, but still keeps on going, maintaing his hard on, and is able to pull off a second orgasm. I know this isn't the norm. My god if it is I am so doomed. I have only been able to pull that little trick once. My god this bitch can make a margarita. You will notice that instead of saying names, I am now saying friend, because some people don't like to see their names on here, because others have harrassed them about it. My intention is never to embarass anyone, just mearly talk about what happens in my life.

Speaking of which, one of my friends, just came out to me and told me that he and his boyfriend have pulled off a threesome. Lord. I have so many thoughts about this. First off, when he asked me if he should do it, I said yes. I really have thoughts against it though. I just thought well, if I was him, and given all of the details he supplied me with, yes I would have done it. Now, with that said, I have to relate my thoughts. I believe that in my heart, if your in love with someone, for me it would be so wrong to do this. Not like morally, like a sin or anything, but just a line that would be crossed that I couldn't handle. The person that I loved more than anyone else in this whole wide world fucking someone else, and me watching them and participating would be just too much for me. While yes I think sex is a fun activity and can be recreational, once your with someone, then it becomes more. It becomes love, a way to express it. Raw, nasty fucking or whatever, its still a way that you connect and I don't know, its just how I feel for me. I am not saying this is the right way, the only way, the only thing I am saying is this is how it would work for me. In my mind, when that third person stepped into the picture, a part of the relationship was lost. Maybe I am fucked up, who knows. Anyway, god I how I get side tracked, My friend goes on to tell me that after he finished fucking guy #3, he was like watching his boyfriend get fucked by this guy. I think I would go insane. But that's me. Also, my friend said it was no big thing, and so he really is not into it, but now the boyfriend kind of wants to try it again. Have we all heard this story before. I think I know the outcome, but everyone has to live and learn, and we are all different so to each their own. I just really love my friend, and I don't want him to have to hurt.

Tomorrow I am going back to the bar after work again with Marry, Juan and Larry. The same one where drunk ass Marry told those guys I was a famous author and all, and I said I wrote 6 books, I just hope that I am not asked for my autograph. Lord how embarassing will that be. (I am bringing a pen, and will sign flesh if asked)

I always think, what if someone is reading this for the first time, will they know what I am talking about? If not reread the old stuff.

Jessie's boyfriend came into work to drop him off. They both walked right past me, without even saying hi. I was thinking oh what is this, now is he not allowed to even say hi to me. I don't think he saw me or he would. I bugged me, and for the first hour of work, I was kind of bitchy to him. Only because I got my feelings hurt. But anyway so when his boyfriend came to pick him up, they were in the back talking, and I opened the door and Jessie was facing me, his boyfriend had his back to me. I did a little ick look and rolled my eyes at Jessie, but then said, bye Jessie, bye Louie and just kept walking. Damn me, I wasn't going to say hi or goodbye to Louie anymore but god I did.

Ok, is this the right time to birng this up? What you ask. Well, I learn so much from you all giving me advice and stuff, but ok, god I am getting red, and its not from the margarita. What do I call it. Ok, I guess its when two guys are having sex and one guy goes down on the other guy, but not on his dick. Ummmm ok licks his ass. Ok I said it. Damn not one person in this house but I am like so embarrassed. Well, ok. I have never said this before, but I like it. I like it when its done to me. I have got to say the first time, you know everything was going along fine and then the tongue was getting lower and I am like, what the fuck? My heart was pounding and stuff, I am like is he crazy? Lower, lower and then BING MOTHER FUCKING O. I wish I could remember what went on after that but all I know is it was bliss. I am wondering, is this normal everyday gay sex thing? I see it in porn, I love it but to me its like the big unspoken taboo. Oh let me get one thing clear. One must be clean. Very very clean.

Well, anyway back to my story, so my sister and I are talking a few months ago and she says something and I don't know how it came up, but the phrase "toss the salad" came up. I swear I had no idea that it meant what it does. I guess I am the last gay guy to know it means to lick down there. I cracked up over and over that one. Now sometimes at work I will say to a customer, would you like your salad tossed, meaning the cesar one but I still laugh under my breath. God I am silly. Well I must go, I need to get another margarita and prepare for bed. Oh and on a final note, I forget where I heard this but believe me I hold it dear to heart, : If the lettuce is brown, skip the salad. (think about it) till next time love ya....Alvie

the latest:
Higher than the birds - 2003-10-21
friend trouble - 2003-10-14
Its just another cut day - 2003-10-10
hello, are you home - 2003-10-07
cumming soon - 2003-08-07

before & after
